As you might have read before, at BUX we take security very seriously. BUX has the duty to ensure that the assets that clients hold with BUX are segregated. Hence, BUX has segregated your assets. This means that in case of bankruptcy, assets of clients of BUX are safe from seizure.


How did we do it?

BUX has segregated your deposits, shares and ETFs from the BUX operating company, so that in the event of bankruptcy, these assets are protected from seizure.


  • Deposits are stored at ABN AMRO Clearing Bank. In the event of the bankruptcy of ABN AMRO Clearing bank, your deposits will be protected up to €100.000. For more information on the Deposit Guarantee Scheme and your BUX account check out our homepage. 


  • Shares and ETFs are held in a separate entity called 'Stichting BUX Custody'a Central Securities Depository (CSD). ' If BUX would declare bankruptcy, all shares and ETFs are safe from seizure in the event of bankruptcy.